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Don’t Look Down

6 Feb

So, here’s the photographic evidence that I completed yesterday’s abseil. Having left my phone at home yesterday morning, I only have this official photo to document my descent from Scaredy Cat to full on fear-facer. Helpfully, I left the picture in my friend’s car and have just got it back, hence the delayed post.

Looking at this now, I still can’t believe I went through with it, for a number of reasons but mainly because of the fear factor. My sincere thanks must go to my fantastic friend Lois who got me there yesterday – I couldn’t have done it without her and her moral support.

I’m proud that I managed to swallow the massive lump in my throat and make the metaphorical leap, as I more than doubled my fundraising target of £150 with the funds going to support Special Olympics Ulster – an extremely worthwhile charity.

It’s all a bit of a blur and was over in a matter of seconds, thankfully before I had a chance to look down. I can’t thank everyone who gave so generously with sponsorship enough – it really means so much, so thank you. Maybe I should do a skydive next… One step at a time perhaps.
